In 2025, embark on a transformative journey tracing the paths of the Underground Railroad, from the bustling streets of Detroit to the historic heart of Washington D.C. This seven-day trek, beginning on April 29th, unfolds as a vivid narrative of courage, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of freedom.
The adventure kicks off in Detroit, where participants gather for a welcome dinner, setting the stage for the days ahead. The journey swiftly moves to key historical sites, including a living museum experience in Detroit that vividly recreates the escape to freedom, followed by visits to Cincinnati's National Underground Railroad Freedom Center and the Harriet Beecher Stowe House, each offering unique insights into the struggle for liberty.
As the trek progresses, participants explore significant African American historical sites in Pittsburgh, including a powerful exhibit at the Heinz History Center. The journey through history leads to Harpers Ferry, a symbol of resistance, before culminating in Washington D.C. Here, adventurers have the opportunity to delve deep into the nation's past at the National Museum of African American History & Culture.
The journey, rich with shared meals and reflective evenings, offers not just a tour but an immersive experience into the heart of America's quest for freedom. It concludes with a farewell dinner in Washington D.C., leaving participants with profound insights and lasting memories of the courage that shaped a nation.
Are you ready to be part of this unforgettable exploration? Click to view the itinerary and embark on the journey of a lifetime. Your next chapter awaits.